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Exercise Can Help Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

 Exercise Can Help Lower Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Exercise. Whether you like it or not, it's a well-known fact that physical activity helps you stay healthy. When it comes to preventing breast cancer, the potential advantages of exercise should not be overlooked.


Exercise decreases your body fat percentage and helps maintain a healthy weight.

We've all heard that regular exercise will help you lose weight and keep your figure sleek. This is significant because fat cells in the body contain high levels of oestrogen, a hormone. A hormone is a chemical substance created in the body that controls and regulates the functioning of specific cells or organs.
When levels grow too high, it becomes one of the most potent breast cancer risk factors. For additional information on this risk factor, please see our article on obesity and breast cancer.
Anything that raises or lowers a person's risk of contracting a disease.

Exercise decreases the levels of estrogen in your body.

Exercise, it is currently known, can alter the pattern of a woman's menstrual cycle in a consistent and recurring manner, leading your body to generate less estrogen. As a result, your risk of developing breast cancer is reduced.

Exercise strengthens your immune system.

Free radicals are extremely reactive, unstable chemicals that cause cell mutation and cancer. Free radicals can cause damage to the body, although this is balanced by the generation of antioxidants. Exercise produces free radicals, but when done consistently, it also strengthens your immune system, providing your body a higher chance of detecting and killing breast cancer cells as they arise.

Exercise provides a mental benefit and stress relief.

Exercise has a direct impact on your mood and emotions. A direct link between psychological stress and breast cancer has not been demonstrated, despite frequent speculation and ongoing research. However, researchers believe that stress can hasten the spread of cancer. Exercise is a terrific stress-relief tool for those receiving treatment or in the recovery period, and it can assist speed up healing and support treatment.

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