

India Medical services

India Medical services
India Medical Services, a Global Healthcare and Medical Tourism Organization operated by Highly Experienced Doctors, Experts

Risks and Benefits of Medical Tourism

         Risks and Benefits of Medical Tourism

Medical tourism, also known as foreign surgery or surgery abroad, is the practice of traveling outside of your home country to receive care in another. This is not to be confused with an unplanned operation performed in a foreign country as a result of a sudden illness or injury. Medical tourism is the deliberate travel to another country for the purpose of receiving medical treatment or surgery. 1 Many of them would be looking for a lower-cost surgery or a procedure that they cannot have at home.

Why Medical Tourism Is So Popular : 

Medical tourism is attractive for a wide range of causes, ranging from the affordability of surgery at home to becoming a refugee who chooses surgery in their country of birth.


why medical tourism
Mask with bag 

Lower Costs : 

Cost reduction
cost reduction 

When compared to the expense of the same surgery in the United States, surgery in other countries is far less expensive. The disparity will be huge for someone undergoing an operation that is not covered by insurance, such as plastic surgery, or for someone that does not have insurance.
Patients are flocking to Malaysia
, Brazil, Singapore, Costa Rica, Mexico, Thailand, and Vietnam because surgery in India is especially inexpensive.

So why is medical and surgical treatment so much less expensive in other countries? If it's assistants, helpers, physicians, or pharmacists, the cost of labor is frequently far smaller. Furthermore, malpractice care, which can cost up to $250,000 on certain specialties, is considerably less expensive in most countries. All is less costly as the cost of labor is minimal, from the house where treatment is given to the cost of hospital food.

Insurance Incentives : 

Because of the significant cost savings, some insurance providers have begun to promote medical tourism. Blue Cross and Blue Shield have begun a protocol in which the patient is appointed a care manager who can plan transport and lodging for the patient and a partner of their choice. The case manager coordinates their medical services and, if possible, arranges for postoperative treatment at home. The insured benefits from the insurer's savings.
Any health providers provide cash benefits for surgery performed outside of the United States, reducing or minimizing the portion of the bill that the recipient is responsible for.

Other health providers would not cover the cost of surgery.

Luxury and Private Nursing : 



 Any patients are attracted to the spa-like amenities offered by some overseas hospitals, seeing the chance to be pampered as a bonus of low-cost surgery. Some hospitals have hospital rooms that resemble luxury suites rather than conventional hospital rooms. Other hospitals have one-on-one private nursing services and are much more generous and diligent than most hospitals' staffing levels enable.

Vacation in a Foreign Country : 

 Doesn't it sound wonderful? Is your insurance agent planning a trip to a tropical destination on the other side of the globe for you? Why not combine surgery with a holiday in a foreign country?

A holiday is often planned shortly before or after treatment, taking advantage of the opportunity to fly while in a foreign country. If the insurance provider pays for the ticket and the cost of living is minimal, this is a particularly cost-effective way to fly to a foreign country. It seems sensible to recuperate on a beach or in a gorgeous setting, particularly when the cost of staying is always less than staying at home.

Bypassing Rules and Regulations : 

Some people undergo surgery in another country to get around laws imposed by their own government, insurance provider, or hospital. Going past these guidelines isn't necessarily the right option since they're usually in order to protect the patient from injury.

A patient may be advised, for example, that their weight is too poor (healthy) to be considered for weight loss surgery. A specialist in another country may have a different requirement on who qualifies for weight loss surgery, so the patient may be eligible for the treatment they desire in another country. This is particularly true in the case of transplant tourism (more on that later).

Talented Surgeons : 


Surgeons in certain countries are well-known for their expertise in a particular field of surgery. Brazilian doctors are known for their strong plastic surgery expertise, and they have plenty of experience since Brazilians are said to be more likely than people from virtually any other country to have plastic surgery. Thailand is said to be the most popular medical tourism destination for people looking to change their gender. It is frequently easier to register for treatment, the expense is greatly decreased, and doctors conduct the operations on a regular basis, which may contribute to increased abilities.

 Many medical visitors are surprised to learn that their doctor was educated in the United States. Of course, not all doctors are, but a surprising number of surgeons practicing in other countries receive their training in English-speaking medical schools and residency programs before returning home. These doctors are also multilingual and have board certification in both their own country and a foreign country, such as the United State

 What's the Problem if Medical Tourism Sounds Wonderful?

As appealing as medical tourism might seem, there are several concerns to weigh before agreeing to receive medical or surgical care in a foreign country. The financial advantages are well-known, but the drawbacks can be serious, even fatal in some situations.

Poor Quality Surgery Is a Possibility : 


There are some surgeons who are much less skilled than most, just as there are some amazing surgeons overseas. From abroad, it can be difficult to gather knowledge about doctors and the nature of their practice. In the United States, records about malpractice litigation, medical board fines, and other administrative decisions against a practitioner are often available. For international services, this knowledge might not be as readily accessible, making finding a great surgeon more difficult.

A specialist should be board-certified in the field of medicine that best fits your medical and surgical needs. You should not have cosmetic surgery done by a surgeon who has received training as a heart specialist, nor should you have surgery performed by someone who has not had surgical training. It is not enough to be a doctor; the doctor must also be qualified in the specialty.

Quality of Staff : 

 Nurses play a critical role in healthcare, and the treatment they give will be the difference between a positive and negative outcome. A well-trained nurse can spot a possible problem and address it before it becomes a serious problem. A nurse who isn't well-trained may not see a problem until it's too late. The nursing staff's consistency would have a significant effect on your treatment. 

Quality of the Facility : 

Is the hospital where the surgery will be done clean, with old equipment, obsolete technology, and little resources, or is it filthy, with old equipment, outdated technology, and few resources? Is the hospital able to assist you if you get really sick following surgery, or would you need to be sent to a separate institution for more advanced treatment? Will the procedure be done in a hospital or surgical center that is remote and not connected to the main hospital?

There are crucial questions to ask before deciding on a surgical center. The place you use can either be a hospital with ICU level treatment (in case something goes wrong during your surgery or recovery) or be close to a big hospital so you can be transferred easily.

Look for a service that has been accredited by a foreign body, such as Joint Commission International. The Joint Commission is the United States' certifying body for hospitals, assessing if they are delivering proper services or whether there are any shortcomings. The international division does the same thing with hospitals outside of the US, and certification is a test of excellence.

Flying Home After Surgery : 

Blood clots may occur after surgery, and flying home, especially on a long flight, raises the risk of clots. If your flight home is long, get up and walk up and down the aisles every hour or so. Stop returning home in the days after surgery; waiting a week reduces the risk of a blood clot or other medical complication occurring on the flight. 

Different Food : 

best quality food

 If you have a sensitive stomach, you should think twice about getting surgery in another country. In international hospitals, the food is often somewhat different, and in certain areas, even the water can be irritating to the body. After surgery, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting can be debilitating, particularly if they are exacerbated by the food you consume on a regular basis.

Language Barrier : 

language barrier

 If you're getting surgery in a country where English isn't the first language, you'll need to make arrangements to speak with the doctors and nurses. You may be happily shocked to hear that the staff is fluent in your native tongue. If not, you'll need to think about how you'll communicate your wants and desires to the surgeon, nurses, and anyone you'll see.

And lastly, Hope for the best and prepare for the worst and our partner company India Medical Services (IMS) will make sure that you will get the best services in terms of medical and hospitality and you will reach your home safely after your surgery.

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