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Mucormycosis is becoming more common in India, putting people at risk of acquiring black, white, or yellow fungal infections.

 Mucormycosis is becoming more common in India, putting people at risk of acquiring black, white, or yellow fungal infections.

Who is most at risk of acquiring mucormycosis right now?

Risk Of Mucormycosis

There has been a significant increase in the number of fungal illnesses recorded in India in recent weeks, which many believe is the latest epidemic we are facing.

While mucormycosis, or black and white fungal infections, is not a rare or novel disease in and of itself, the proportion of cases diagnosed, high mortality rate, and limited availability of antifungal treatments make the infection even scarier at a time when we are dealing with rising COVID-19 infections.

How frightening is mucormycosis?

Mucormycosis Or black fungus

Mucormycosis may not affect everyone in the same way, but it can be fatal for individuals who have health difficulties or comorbidities. People with weakened immunity are now the most vulnerable to the dangers and complications connected with fungal infections, as their immune systems may be inadequate to combat the invaders. There are specific disorders and pre-existing issues in particular that are increasing the danger right now and necessitate extreme caution and vigilance:

Uncontrolled diabetes


People with a history of high blood sugar levels or uncontrolled diabetes are at the biggest risk of contracting fungal infections of any kind right now. While diabetes causes severe inflammation and weakens the body's immune system, high glucose levels also allow fungi to easily enter, disseminate, and thrive in the body, causing serious consequences.

Diabetes patients are also more prone to skin infections and bruising, which might make it easier for the fungus to enter the body.

Furthermore, individuals with severe diabetes, who are predisposed to COVID severity and hospitalization risk, may face additional risks. Thus, it is critical to monitor and maintain blood glucose levels.

Immuno-suppressant conditions

weak immune system

Certain illnesses, such as autoimmune disorders, might impair the immune system's ability to operate properly and defend the body against invaders. While black fungus multiplies in the body when inhaled through the air or polluted surroundings, a weakened immune system or feeble immunity might prolong recovery, influence other key organs, and impair healing. Those who are prone to low immunity or who become unwell frequently should take extra precautions to protect themselves.


HIV aids

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HIV-AIDS is one of the leading immunosuppressive illnesses, making a person susceptible to being sick frequently and developing fungal infections. There is also substantial risk of protracted recovery, poorer outcomes, and fatality.

Those suffering from/or with a history of cancer, as well as those who have been using immunosuppressing drugs for a long time, may face similar dangers. Excessive or indiscriminate use of steroids and antibacterial medications has also been connected to a recent increase in mucormycosis instances.

Those who have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 6 weeks

covid recover patient

The majority of black and white fungus cases are now linked to individuals who have recovered from COVID-19 or were hospitalized for COVID-19 treatment. Patients who recovered from COVID-19 within 6 weeks, according to, Director of AIIMS, are at high risk.

While it is unknown whether COVID-19 is the primary cause of the rise in fungal infections, it is important to remember that a battle with COVID-19 can cause the body to become very weak and unwell, especially weeks after the recovery period if one is not attentive. Because COVID-19 can also cause essential organ issues, there is a high danger of contracting infections such as mucormycosis at this time.

Those suffering from severe or serious COVID, as well as those who have been placed on intensive care/oxygen therapy, are at significant risk.

Kidney disorders

kidney disorder

Renal damage and failure can be harmful to your immunity because they weaken your system and make it easier for germs and pathogens to enter and cause damage. Renal injury can also impair the function of essential immune nutrients produced by the kidneys. As a result, anyone with a history of kidney injury or failure and individuals with immunological deficiencies or on immunosuppressive medications is at significant risk of infection complications. Those suffering from liver impairment may face similar dangers.

if you have seen any of the symptoms related to this new black fungus then make sure to consult your nearby doctor 

or make an appointment with our health experts at https://bit.ly/3hFOl95

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