

India Medical services

India Medical services
India Medical Services, a Global Healthcare and Medical Tourism Organization operated by Highly Experienced Doctors, Experts

Why Do People Prefer India for Dental Tourism?

 Why Do People Prefer India for Dental Tourism?

Dental tourism is an aspect of medical tourism that involves medical-dental travel, management of dental health, and global health care. India, next to Thailand, ranks second in medical tourism. With the best dental implantologist and cosmetic dental surgeon, India not only has the most advanced technologies but also offers an affordable range without any compromise in the standard of service provided. Dental Specialists are one of India's finest dental implant centers with world-class facilities and quality care.

When compared to other parts of India and internationally, the cost of dental care in Hyderabad is remarkably affordable. For example, depending on the design, surface treatment, form, and company of the implant, the dental implants will cost just 25000 INR ($400 to 600). In Thailand, Malaysia, and around $1500 to 2000 if you are a US citizen, the same implant will cost around $800 to 1000. When compared to other parts of the world, it's almost one fourth the cost.

At the same time, without compromising, the same standard is delivered to you. At The Dental Specialists, we have implants from over 10 implant companies with various designs and styles, such as mini dental implants, single-piece implants, etc. For those that have less bone density, we also have single stage implants and two-stage implants or two-piece implants. At competitive rates, we also do Basal Osseointegration (BOI), Tubero Pterygoid implants, and Zygomatic implants.

With over 5000 dental laboratories and about 300 dental institutes, the Indian dental market is huge, raising its chances of leading in the field of dentistry. Low-cost care, the availability of a large pool of trained dental practitioners, high-end technology, the presence of tourist destinations, and quality accommodations along its length and breadth are other factors favoring India. Another major opportunity is the cultural and geographical proximity of patients in the SAARC region.

Appointment scheduling, which involves waiting time, is one of the main aspects of patient needs. Patients have been waiting for months to see a dentist and to undergo some form of dental operation, such as dental implants, full mouth reconstruction, cosmetic procedures, etc. You can make an online or on-call appointment at The Dental Specialists and get to see the expert as you please. For any form of a dental emergency, we are open 24X7 for 365 days.

If needed, we give foreign patients priority appointments. The value of your time, we understand. Based on the need, the Dental Specialists team blocks the date and time. We believe the time is money and so our team operates within the appropriate timeframe. In order to schedule your appointments with reminder texts, SMS, and calls to notify us and you promptly, we have the best online appointment scheduler tools.

Most Indian dental settings are well furnished with sophisticated dental equipment using the latest technology. Like every other part of the planet, WE at the Dental Specialists are no less than the other dentists. Much focus is placed on the construction of world-class dental facilities that could offer a comprehensive package for all kinds of dental procedures.

There is a social and religious system in very few countries in the world that have withstood invasions and persecution and yet preserved its integrity by being strong enough to absorb, neglect, or reject all efforts to alter or replace them radically. Due to its diversity and variety in physical, religious, racial, linguistic, and artistic fields, Indian culture is unique.

Religion in India is a way of life that is an integral part of the Indian tradition. Many dances, theatrics, and folklore, based on Indian mythology and folk legends, are religious. In order to enjoy and appreciate the Indian arts, one must have background knowledge of Indian mythology.

So if you are planing dental tourism in India so you can connect with our partner IMS (Indian Medical Service) for easy and better services in your medical journey 

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