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Why Meditation is so effective for our health.

 Why Meditation is so effective for our health? 

The word meditate comes from a thought that means to think deeply, but time has completely changed the concept of meditation. Meditation is not a matter of thinking more, but rather of quitting thinking. For the rest of a few minutes, when we completely shut down our senses like listening, watching, talking, tasting, touching, and feeling the complete emptiness of our body and mind, the completely empty mind and zero activity, that's the state where we feel what meditation is. Some people say meditation is a prayer in which they discover this process by attaching themselves to God. In Buddhism, meditation practices for purifying the mind and achieving Nirvana.

Generally, meditation is a way to calm your mind from thinking, and sometimes to rest your body from any kind of work.

From where meditation came from?

We can proudly say that the origin of meditation has come from India. This is a very ancient technique that was discovered about a thousand years ago. The meditation was first witnessed in the Vedas around 1500 B.C. It's in India. If we see our old method of education, Indian parents sent their children to Gurukul or Ashrams to study meditation, and our books on the Hindu religion also talk a lot about meditation.

Import of meditation

As soon as Buddha was asked what he got from meditation, he said he had nothing special but yes, he lost a lot as he lost his anger, his anxiety, his depression, and his fear of death. Meditation is for mental health, we care a lot about our physical fitness, but we ignore the stress that we have in our daily lives, and we don't have a clear solution to that.

Once you get to know about meditation, you'll come to know that we can also cure mental illness, and meditation is the main part of the mental health wellness process.

Why are we supposed to do meditation?

  • Meditation controls our fears and anxieties, which calms our minds and prevents us from having a lot of mental and physical illness.
  • Even science has shown that the practice of meditation on a regular basis will make you feel mentally fresh and reduce your risk of high blood pressure
  • If you have a hectic schedule, you can take at least 10-15 minutes to meditate
  • The best treatment for headaches, sleeping disorders, and anxiety.
  • Reduces psychosomatic disorders
  • Build up your mental strength and make you feel more confident.
  • Meditation gives you a clear thought that helps you make the right decision.
  • Meditation energizes you every day.
  • Meditation is a powerful exercise that trains our minds to be confident, strong, and conscious. If you're sitting in a peaceful place, close your eyes and take a deep breath in and out is a kind of meditation, too. So next time you feel stressed, just try taking a few breaths in and out, knowing that you're getting the benefits of meditation. This is sure to help you get out of stress and upgrade your brain capability.
  • The more you feel free from stress and anger, the more it helps you stay younger and get rid of the wrinkles on your face.

Mindful meditation : 

Mindful meditation is the most popular technique. This is the method from which you have been given to be completed in a present, your mind should be in a calm state wherever you are not imagining a lot about the past or the future, but just know and just feel the presence of what's going on next to you.

Through careful study, you will see, however, that your thoughts and feelings tend to design patterns in particular. Over time, you will become extra responsive to the human inclination to quickly pick expertise that is almost as good or weak, kind or offensive.

The concentration of meditation: 

Concentration meditation involves focusing or directing our mind to a single point. In this method, you need to follow the breath, to echo, and to focus on a single word or mantra. Clearly, this is the big hurdle to focus your mind on one center. If you've just started, you'll feel like you're not going to stay in the same situation as your brain that tricks you a lot, but once you start concentrating on the mantra, you'll feel calm slowly.

With the help of this habit of meditation, you became more aware of the sharpening of a single thought that makes your mind more productive at work and more present. Continuous practice will surely give you a remarkable result, and you can easily ignore random and unwanted thoughts from your mind. In this way, your ability to focus increases.

Meditation on Yoga: 

Yoga is also a very ancient technician from India. We've got a wide range of yoga and asana. When we introduce yoga to the world, it becomes more well known, and with the fusion of western culture, we have so many new styles and processes to do yoga.
Yoga and Asana involve taking some postures and controlling breathing exercises that make your body more flexible and calm your mind.
Poses demand stability and balance and energy, which are encouraged to focus less on distractions and stay more in the present moment.
Yoga is the right choice for you because it has a great impact on your body in a good way.

Best time to meditate : 

If you want to make the most of meditation, choose early in the morning when you wake up from sleep so that you feel the energy in your body, and with the help of meditation, you can regenerate the energy. Early morning time is always giving you the best feeling, but it's also a good idea if you can't wake up early than meditation before you go to bed

The good thing about meditation early in the morning is that your stomach is empty. Meditation and yoga must be performed four hours after the meal. Intestinal movement before meditation will ease your concentration.

Meditation and Achievement:

Many famous celebrities have their own share of the benefits of meditation.
Paul McCartney and the Beatles made Transcendental Meditation very popular in the 1960s when they went to India, learned and practiced the technique with TM's founder Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. Paul McCartney said that meditation was very inspiring to him, that his mind was clearer when he wrote their songs.

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