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10 best recommendation to keep your eyes healthy.

 10 best recommendations to keep your eyes healthy:

What we are gifted with, we still ignore. Good vision gives you the meaning of life, the best experience to see all you look at, and we continue to ignore trying to take care of it and shielding it from harm.

Neglecting eye care may have so much effect on your personal life and work-life that you need to change your everyday routine and take some serious steps to treat your eyes properly, which really prevents you from working hard. Rather than waiting to suffer, it is more advisable to take care.

For good eyesight, there are a number of easy steps to take.

We would like to share some knowledge that will keep you free from eye disease before you need to follow some treatment process to treat your eyes.

  1. The habit of eating healthy food :

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Eating nutritional meals keeps you fit and active, as plain as that, and it will benefit you a lot to protect your skin in the same way.

Vitamin C & E, Zink & omega 3 fatty acid can make it clear and good for your vision as it acts as eye anti-aging.

The doctor advises the addition of food.

Vegetables: spinach & cabbage green vegetables. With lutein & zeaxanthin, they are rich. They can be regarded as a good source

of Vitamin C.

Carrots: Excellent for vitamin A and beta carotene, helping to absorb light from the retina.

Eggs: the best source of Vitamin C, E & Zinc. Eggs will decrease the risk of eyesight loss.

more water: Drinking more water reduces the risk of dehydration from dry eyes, which benefits you.

Fruits: We all know that fruits are full of Vitamin C to prevent age-related harm to the eyes (Lemon, apple, orange & grapes are more suitable for good eyes.)

Nuts: Nuts contain Vitamin E and are high in Omega-3 fatty acids. (walnuts, cashews, lentils, peanuts & nuts from Brazil)

Fish: Oily fish offers high levels of Omega 3 which is so beneficial for good eyesight.

2.  Be more Hygienic

Here I mean to say not to touch your eyes so often. We are carrying lots of viruses & dirt on our hands, touching our eyes directly so many times without washing it can harm your eyes so much sometimes. Our eyesight is very sensitive, rubbing your eyes with unhygienic hands will lead to infections, including red eyes, pain, or burn in eyes or more than that so it is advisable to wash hands very nicely before touching your eyes.

If you feel there is something stuck in your eyes, rubbing your eyes so much can make the worst situation and the most dangerous way to get it out and if you keep rubbing your eyes, that particle will scratch your cornea or can injure your eyes. You must quit this habit before it leads to a long term decrease.

3. Quit Smoking :

Yes, this is serious. If you imagine smoking only causes cancer and not good for the lungs, that is not only a risk. Smoking can lead to vision loss or blindness. Many studies show that smoking increases the high risk of age-related macular degeneration, cataracts, diabetes & dry eye syndrome.

AMD: Stop smoking now if you want to stay away from age-related macular degeneration. Smokers have more chances to develop AMD than nonsmokers.

Cataract: If you have more than 10 cigarettes in a day, you have a heavy risk for cataracts. Cataract means clouding of the eye’s naturally clear lens and it grows with time and gets most critical when we get older. It is normal for older people.

Dry Eye: Dry eye can be the cause of vision loss which occurs slowly. It looks like damaged vessels in the eye which irritates the eye and creates a burning sensation of the eye.

Glaucoma: Regular heavy smoking can be the reason for high blood pressure which are risk factors for glaucoma which causes a regular breakdown of cells which is the part of our eyesight that transmits the visual information to our brain. If the nerve cells expire, you will feel the loss of vision which grows slowly.

4. Use shades when you are out

We all know that we can protect our eyes from harmful UV rays when we use Sunglasses. Because you have shades on your eyes, it reduces eye strain and protects you from flying debris. We love to wear sunglasses because it looks fashionable too, but we have some points to be noted while buying suitable sunglasses for your eyes.

  • It must block 100% UV rays however most of the people buying sunglasses never verify whether the lenses defend eyes from Ultraviolet light or not. Looking for style is good but always makes care about eye safety too.

  • If your sunglasses cover your full eye area, it is a better choice because it means the direct sun rays can reach very little to you. Oversized glasses give style and more protection. 

  • Polarized Lenses decrease glare and useful while you are swimming, but it doesn’t protect from UV, but it is more useful while you are driving or being on the water.

  • Photochromic eyeglasses automatically settle to reducing light intensities and conditions. These lenses actually get darker on sunny days and lighter when circumstances get darker.

  • Some sunglass styles come with interchangeable (detachable) lenses of various colors. These multi-lens systems enable you to tailor your eye shield to your actions and situations. Consider this alternative if you need a solid performance in a wide variety of situations. 

5. Avoid overuse of mobile & computer :

Everyone advises you not to use a mobile for a long time but still, nobody has ideas on how to explain the causes behind it. Our parents and senior family members strictly warn us about the same.

The main side effects are

  • Eyestrain

  • Headache

  • Blurred Vision

  • Dry Eyes

If you are facing any problem from the above-given details, you need to take a few steps to treat your eyes before it makes a worse situation.

  • Your computer screen must be in the right place where you can see straight the top part of the screen.

  • Balance the brightness of mobile and computer screen always. Your mobile brightness, the size of text, and the color and contrast are very powerful features that affect your eyesight the most.

  • Minimize glare

  • Keep blinking, it is good for your eyes. While using a smartphone, blinking is a must because staring at the screen can dry your eyes, so blinking is a natural way to moisten them.

  • Try to take a 5-minute pause in every one-hour so you can retain your eyes calm and give it rest for few times.

  • Use Computer glasses which guard your eyes

  • Use anti-glare screen cover for mobile and computer screens. Some mobiles have an anti-glare screen protector by default. It is not so expensive but still makes a big difference as it blocks blue light.

  • Splash water on your eyes frequently 

  • If your mobile or computer screen carrying so much dirt on it, you need to clean it now. The dirt adds additional strain on your eyes. 

  • Try to avoid the extra time you give to your mobile which is useless. 

6 . Consult the Eye doctor regularly :

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This is the most important. I know you have every excuse to avoid visiting a doctor when you feel completely fine or a little strain in your eyes, but the significance of a regular eye exam is necessary. Expert suggests visiting a doctor once a year because the minor problem in eyes can affect you a lot and the problem and solution must be spotted and treated by eye specialists only. Sometimes a disease like glaucoma is quite challenging and needs to be treated as early as possible.

Kind of Test you should have knowledge about.

Vision Test: - to check the far & nearsightedness. If you are getting old, a presbyopia test is advisable.

A simple test to determine coordination between both eyes

An eye pressure test to spot glaucoma.

Do follow Doctor’s instructions, never not take advice from fake sources, have faith in the doctor only because our eyes are too sensitive to treat, and it will get worse if you follow the wrong information.

7. Get some fresh air

Scientific studies say spending more time outdoors is good for your body and eyes. Nature helps calm your nerve and sharpen your vision.

Study shows 90% of the population in Asia have been diagnosed with myopia. If kids and adult spend more time outside will have a preventive effect on the onset of myopia. UVB rays trigger the release of dopamine in the retina and circulate Vitamin D in our body. 

We are not saying to spend too much time under the sun but to do balance for indoor and outdoor schedules. Going for a walk in the early morning is a great idea. Make a habit and prepare your kids for the same to aware of them for fitness and eye cares.

8. Be careful while using contact lenses

Eyes are extremely sensitive and using contact lenses is somehow not easy. If you are using contact lenses, here are some serious cares you need to take.

  • Never touch or insert contact lenses in eyes with dirty hands. Wash your hands nicely because carrying bacteria and transferring on contact lenses and then inserting in eyes is very risky.

  • You always should disinfect your contact in a fresh solution before using it. Never reuse the same solution and check the expiry date before buying it. 

  • Contact lenses must be used for some period, do not overuse it.

  • Stay away from spray, fire, dusty weather when you wear contact lenses.

  • Remove lenses while sleeping, taking bath or walking in rain.

  • If you feel strain or irritation in the eye or eye area, do not wear lenses. It may get worse. 

  • Don’t rub your eyes too hard. Lenses can damage the eye or retina.

9. Quality sleep is a must

Your hectic work schedule doesn’t give you time to take care of your eyes and so good sleep is an excellent option to treat your eyes in the best way. Your eyes need a break, so they can concentrate well. During sleep, your eyes produce and supply the natural tears which keep them hydrated. So more than 7 hours of sleep decrease the risk of eye dryness. Well-rested eyes are also less likely to be affected by burst blood vessels, which can lead to an unappealing red and bloodshot appearance and discomfort.

10. Some of the tiny suggestion, easy to follow

  • Avoid too much coffee 

  • Take the doctor’s advice as soon as possible once you feel any type of eye irritation

  • Drink so much water

  • Exercise is good

  • Stop using devices at night, blue light is harmful to the eyes

  • Eating Onion & garlic treat your eyes well

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